An Emotional Birth with Midwives at The Addice

This birth was so highly anticipated. There were so many outside signs telling us that this story not only had to be captured, but that I was being called to do so. You see, our paths had already crossed many years before this birth. Before this mom even had midwifery on her radar, she hired me to do her son’s newborn pictures. I was new and still portfolio building.

Fast forward to years down the road and not only did Mom develop her own passion and professional work for photography, but was called into the practice of becoming a midwife. She joined the team at The Addice and I have been thrilled to have been able to work with her at most births each time that I am there.

Not long after, I received the wonderful news that she was expecting. Having unexpectedly losing her sister, her midwife colleagues spread out throughout the country wanted to do something special for her since they knew they would not be able to support her physically in light of COVID. They banded together and decided to gift her with a birth session and went through the process of researching photographers they thought would be the best fit for her. Little did they know when they inquired that she was already in the discussions with me. It was a perfect fit, they knew their friend well.

Again, having just lost her sister, this poor mom went through so many emotions as she worked to bring her baby into her arms. It’s not uncommon for moms to go through a rollercoaster of emotions as their bodies work to labor their babies down. It is truly remarkable to witness such strength and beauty. To see a woman be able to bravely face all that surfaces and put it aside to become the mother she was destined to be.

Her birth was beautiful and powerful.
